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Enhancing Supply Chain Management
Through Environmental Excellence

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Significant advantages can be gained if EHS groups reach out beyond their traditional boundaries and collaborate with supply chain management teams.

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Process excellence requires cross-functional collaboration. Companies can enhance supply chain value creation by utilizing their environmental health and safety (EHS) capabilities more fully. This means that EHS capabilities need to be better integrated into existing business process teams.

In fact, the goals of supply chain management and EHS are aligned in many ways - building value for the enterprise through continuous improvement in operational efficiency, business continuity, and external relationships. In particular, collaboration between EHS staff in supplier and customer organizations can reveal new, mutually beneficial solutions to product and package design, materials management, transportation, and other supply chain issues.

A number of GEMI member companies have leveraged their EHS capabilities to improve supply chain performance and enhance shareholder value. The range of potential EHS contributions includes tangible financial gains, such as converting waste materials into useful byproducts, as well as enhancement of key value drivers such as technological innovation, employee productivity, and reputation.

GEMI has developed this tool to help other companies realize these types of advantages. Click on the links above to get started.

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