Case Study: Philips66 – Mixed Media Brings Small Success

While planning for a regularly-scheduled update to senior management on sustainability, a Phillips66 team came across a two-minute video on repairs to one of its facilities that were made after a natural disaster. Once completed, the repairs provided protection for both the facility and the substation that connected with the surrounding community’s power source.

The team suggested that the manager of the facility share the video with executives at the update meeting, in addition to the planned presentation.  The video, however, was a departure from the trusted and “normal” communication format, and the Phillips66 team could see that the manager was outside of her comfort zone.  Having previewed the clip, the Phillips66 team knew the video was relevant, of high quality and concise.

The manager immediately saw the relevance of the videoclip and noted that it punctuated the points in her presentation. In addition, she warmed up to the idea of supplementing the existing slides with the video material – so much so that she sent the video to senior management before the meeting just as “background information.”

[This case study originally appeared in the GEMI Quick Guide on Cultivating Sustainability within an Organization]. 

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