GEMI Members Convene in Washington, DC for Fall Meeting
On December 5, the Global Environmental Management Initiative (GEMI) held its Fall Membership meeting at the Army & Navy Club in Washington, DC. The meeting was sponsored by GEMI members Schlumberger and Smithfield Foods.
GEMI provides a forum for global corporate environmental / sustainability thought leaders to learn from each other, develop collaborative solutions, and engage with strategic partners to advance solutions to emerging environmental and sustainability challenges.
This meeting included in-depth discussion on topics such as engaging and collaborating with suppliers on sustainability goals, as well as understanding and addressing barriers / opportunities in moving toward a circular economy. The meeting also included discussions on planned GEMI activities in 2019, including initiatives related to supplier engagement / collaboration, recycling of contaminated post-industrial plastics, developing a 10-year map of future forces impacting sustainability, and continuing engagement with industry trade associations working on sustainability efforts.
The meeting included expert speakers from GEMI members and guests organizations such as American Chemistry Council, EcoVadis, ExxonMobil, Manufacture 2030, Plastics Industry Association, Retail Industry Leaders Association, Responsible Battery Coalition, Sealed Air, Smithfield Foods, UL Environment and Waste Management and World Economic Forum.
For more information about GEMI and participation in upcoming activities, visit www.gemi.org or email GEMI’s Program Manager Kellen Mahoney at kmahoney@navista.net
About GEMI
GEMI is a global leader in developing insights, networking, and creating collaborative sustainability solutions for business. For 25 years, GEMI has captured the vision and experience of global corporate environmental, health and safety (EHS) and sustainability leaders from diverse business sectors through the development of a wide range of publicly-available, solutions-based tools designed to help companies improve the environment, their operations and add business value.