Sustainability 101 Training

On August 1, GEMI and UA Safe State will host a Sustainability 101 training course at the Barber Motorsports Park in Birmingham, Alabama.  The training registration fee will be $225.00 and includes the 4-hour course, lunch, and a complimentary pass to the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum.

Register now through UA at 

View course outline at 

GEMI is collaborating with the University of Alabama Safe State to pilot a Sustainability 101 Training course for industry employees.  Participants will gain an understanding of core sustainability concepts and how sustainability impacts a business, as well as learn how to identify practical opportunities to contribute to sustainability objectives and business success.

Roland Mostovy will support the GEMI / UA team in leading the training course. Roland will share first-hand experiences from his thirty years in the food and chemical industry managing environmental, health, safety and process safety programs and developing and implementing EHS management systems. In his most recent role, Roland was the Corporate Sustainability Manager for Ashland Inc., where he managed and directed Ashland sustainability policies and programs, annual reporting, environmental goals, and chaired Ashland’s product segmentation committee.

The UA SafeState Environmental Program offers effective programs to promote environmental sustainability for industrial, commercial, residential and school environments. GEMI is a global leader in developing insights, networking, and creating collaborative sustainability solutions for business.

We hope you will join us on August 1! Space is limited. Register now at 

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