Case Study: Solar Installation Partnership
Case Study: Perdue Farms, Inc. – Solar Installation Partnership
Perdue Farms, Inc. partnered with a utility and a solar integrator in 2011 to develop two solar projects at its corporate offices in Salisbury, Maryland (1.3 MW) and a feed mill in Bridgeville, Delaware (1.6 MW). Perdue entered into a power purchase agreement (PPA) where it provided land, and third parties financed, installed, and maintained the project. Perdue purchases all power. In addition to being financially beneficial and providing a strong price risk management tool, Perdue views the projects as a key part of their overall renewable portfolio and sustainability initiatives. The projects also contribute to a compelling and visible corporate message regarding its commitment to renewable fuels.
This case study originally appeared in The GEMI Quick Guide on Renewable and Alternative Energy.
Images: Perdue Farm, Inc.’s corporate headquarters in Salisbury, MD; Perdue’s Bridgeville, Delaware grain facility and feed mill. Source: www.beckermorgan.com/project/perdue-solar/; Photograph taken by James Whitaker, Energy Procurement and Risk Management Director, Perdue Farms, Inc.