Business Value of Water
GEMI is pleased to share a new video series on the Business Value of Water. The series features sustainability leaders from GEMI’s member companies and non-profit partners sharing their insights on the business value of water.
Interviews were filmed during GEMI’s July 8-9, 2015 Meeting on Water Stewardship, hosted by Smithfield Foods in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Interviewees were asked to share their insights on topics such as the business value of water risk management, integrating water goals into sustainability programs, and engaging with external partners around water stewardship.
- Bill Gill, AVP Environmental Affairs, Smithfield Foods
- Brooke Barton, Senior Director, Water Program, Ceres
- Cassie Zwart, Global Program Leader, Sealed Air
- Roland Mostovy, Sustainability Program Manager, Ashland Inc.
- Steven Goldman, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, Corporate Partnerships, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
- Steve Hellem, Executive Director, GEMI
GEMI Water Resources
- GEMI Local Water Tool (LWT) & GEMI LWT for Oil & Gas
- Collecting the Drops: A Water Sustainability Planner
- Connecting the Drops: Toward Creative Water Strategies
Special thanks to Charleston|Orwig for all their support in the production of these video interviews.