GEMI’s publications are available in pdf format below.

GEMI: A Case for Corporate Leadership: Two Decades of EHS and Sustainability Progress
GEMI: A Case for Corporate Leadership: Two Decades of EHS and Sustainability Progress provides an overview of GEMI, including background information on how and why it was created, the topics and sustainable business solutions addressed throughout the years as well as current collaborations, activities and outreach.

GEMI-Environmental Defense Fund Guide to Successful Corporate-NGO Partnerships
The GEMI-Environmental Defense Fund Guide to Successful Corporate-NGO Partnerships is the product of collaboration among GEMI member companies and Environmental Defense Fund. It is intended as a comprehensive aid to organizing, designing, implementing and measuring the success of corporate-NGO partnerships. The Guide also includes several case examples of successful partnerships. While the focus is on environmental projects, we feel the lessons learned can apply to any type of sustainability-driven partnership that involves active engagement between businesses and NGOs. Overview presentation of the Guide

The GEMI Metrics Navigator™ is a tool to help organizations develop and implement metrics that provide insight into complex issues, support business strategy and contribute to business success. The tool presents a thorough, six-step process to select, implement and evaluate a set of ‘critical few’ metrics that focus on an organization’s success. Each step provides guidance in the form of a worksheet, series of questions or checklist.
- Overview presentation of GEMI Metrics Navigator™

The NEW GEMI SD Planner™ and GEMI SD Gateway is a detailed, comprehensive planning tool that you can use to establish baseline performance, assess opportunities, set goals, develop action plans and evaluate progress towards your sustainable development objectives. This software tool was created because the members of GEMI recognize the need and opportunity for business to address environmental, economic and social issues in a way that creates business value. 2007. (interactive web tool)
- Overview presentation of GEMI SD Planner™ and GEMI SD Gateway

Collecting the Drops: A Water Sustainability Planner
Collecting the Drops: A Water Sustainability Planner — This interactive web tool is to be used by companies that are ready to address the water sustainability challenges that are increasingly impacting companies around the world. The GEMI Water Planner is intended to guide a user through the process of taking a corporate sustainability strategy and converting it into a site or unit strategy for water. 2007. 28 pages. W-201.
- Overview presentation of Collecting the Drops: A Water Sustainability Planner

Transparency: A Path to Public Trust
This tool has been designed to provide approaches that companies can consider as they address transparency related challenges and opportunities. It consists of a five-step process designed to assist in the identification of transparency-related opportunities and risks, determining the business case for action, and engaging your organization in developing and implementing an effective transparency strategy. 2004. 58 pages. TRA-101.
- Overview of presentation of Transparency: A Path to Public Trust (pdf file)
- Proceedings from the October 24, 2001 Transparency-NGO Workshop #1 in Oakland, CA
- Proceedings from the May 1, 2002 Transparency-NGO Workshop #2 in Atlanta, GA
- Proceedings from the February 26, 2003 Transparency-NGO Workshop #3 in Newark, NJ
- Proceedings from the March 22, 2005 Transparency-NGO Workshop followup #1 in Atlanta, GA
- Proceedings from the August 11, 2005 Transparency-NGO Workshop followup #2 in Oakland, CA

Forging New Links: Enhancing Supply Chain Value Through Environmental Excellence

Clear Advantage: Building Shareholder Value / Environment
This tool has been designed to help provide businesses approaches on how to measure, manage and communicate EHS value to the financial community thereby making tangibles out of intangibles. 2004. 46 pages. Item No. EVI-101.

Connecting the Drops Towards Creative Water Strategies: A Water Sustainability Tool
This tool and web site ( are designed to help businesses build a well-tailored water strategy that fits the business’ needs and circumstances. Case studies highlight ways that companies can create business value by pursuing the sustainable management of water resources. The tool enables organizations to better understand their relationship to water throughout the value chain, identify opportunities and risks, assess the business case for action, and develop and implement continual improvement-based water strategies. 2002. 52 pages. Item No. W-101.

Environment: Value to the Top Line (EVTL)
The guidance document has been designed to help identify new processes and ways of thinking about the role of environmental initiatives vis-à-vis broader business objectives. This report includes case studies of companies who have implemented successful projects linking environmental and business objectives. 2001. 70 pages. Item No. EVTL-101

New Paths to Business Value: Strategic Sourcing–Environment, Health, and Safety
This guidance document has been designed to address the business value of managing Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) in Procurement. It is designed to help identify when, why, and how to pursue added business value by addressing the environmental, health and safety (EHS) performance of suppliers and contractors, and understand how their products and services might affect your business. 2001. 70 pages. Item No. SBV-101.

Environmental Improvement Through Business Incentives
This report assesses incentives that have worked in government and in the private sector to encourage companies to go beyond compliance. The report includes tables of environmental objectives that might be achieved through the use of incentives, and provides a menu of incentives that could help achieve those objectives. 1999. 39 pages. Item No. IDE-104

Fostering Environmental Prosperity, Multinationals in Developing Countries

Environment: Value to Business (EVTB)
The goal of this primer is to guide corporate environmental professionals in planning, creating, measuring and communicating the business value of environmental activities. The primer is divided into four chapters – one for each stage in the Plan-Do-Check-Advance cycle of environmental management. By providing ideas, tips and examples from both GEMI and non-GEMI companies, this primer offers suggestions for communicating to key stakeholders within and external to their organization environment’s value to business. 1998. 52 pages.
Item No. EVTB-101

HSE Management, Information Systems Planning, Moving Into the 21st Century
This primer is designed to help Health, Safety and Environmental managers reach new levels of performance by partnering their expertise with that of Management Information Systems (MIS) professionals and Manufacturing & Operations, Marketing, Research & Development, Finance and Legal experts across the country. The overall goal of this Primer is to provide HSE managers some insight on eliminating information silos, integrating their work with the rest of the enterprise, and, as a result, improving corporate performance. 1997. Item No. HSE-102

Measuring Environmental Performance: A Primer and Survey of Metrics in Use
This primer is designed to present a survey of environmental performance measurement tools, or metrics, and includes considerations for designing a metrics program and selecting appropriate metrics, as well as for implementing, evaluating and improving such a program. 1997. 60 pages. Item No. MET-101

Environmental Reporting and Third Party Statements
The primary objective of this study was to test whether third party attestation statements contained in voluntary corporate environmental reports added value in the eyes of external stakeholders. Other goals of the study included assessing which report elements contributed the most to communicating credibility, and the credibility of different types of organizations that perform certifications of corporate environmental reports. 1996. 43 pages. Item No. TPS-112

ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Self-Assessment Checklist
This checklist is based on the ISO 14001 standard and allows for a rapid self-assessment of an organization or facility to determine how closely existing management practices and procedures correspond to the elements of the standard. In addition to a brief guide to self-scoring, a fuller description of what is required by the standard’s criteria is included in the appendix. 1996. 54 pages. Item No. ISO-111

This study is one of the three studies commissioned by the IDEA Work Group Reports to provide the basis for further discussions with EH&S thought leaders. Incentives for Environmental Improvement: An Assessment of Selected Innovative Programs in the States and Europe by Daniel P. Beardsley, Albers & Co.: This report assessed selected new environmental programs in Western Europe (the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) and programs managed by American states (Minnesota, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Colorado).

IDEA 21: Corporate Environmental, Health and Safety Practices in Transition
This study is one of the three studies commissioned by the IDEA Work Group Reports to provide the basis for further discussions with EH&S thought leaders. — Incentives, Disincentives, Environmental Performance and Accountability for the 21st Century, IDEA 21 Work Group Reports.This study was written by Terry Yosie and Timothy Herbst, E. Bruce Harrison/Ruder Finn Inc. 1996. 120 pages. Item No. IDE-001.

IDEA 21: Industry Incentives for Environmental Improvement: Evaluation of U.S. Federal Initiatives,
This study is one of the three studies commissioned by the IDEA Work Group Reports to provide the basis for further discussions with EH&S thought leaders. — Incentives, Disincentives, Environmental Performance and Accountability for the 21st Century, IDEA 21 Work Group Reports.This Study was written by Terry Davies and Jan Mazurek, Resources for the Future. 1996. 85 pages. Item No. IDE-002.

Environmental, Health & Safety Training: A Primer
Assists companies in training their site Environmental, Health and Safety (EH&S) personnel. A guidance document for anyone involved in the development of such training. Includes practical how-to examples, and several advanced training techniques are included. 1995. 45 pages. Item No. EHS-108.

Benchmarking for Continuous Environmental Improvement
Expands on basics of the TQEM primer and introduces a TQEM tool. Provides a format and structure for conducting a benchmarking study. Designed to teach the reader how to make environmental improvements based on existing or publicly available information and resources. 1994. 49 pages. Item No. BEN-104

Designed to help the international business community find cost-effective pollution prevention initiatives by incorporating environmental costs into the business decision-making process. Topics include identification and quantification of environmental costs and evaluating pollution prevention investments. 1994. 34 pages. Item No. COS-107

Environmental Reporting in a Total Quality Management Framework: A Primer
This tool relates Total Quality Environmental Management (TQEM) to environmental measurement and reporting, helping companies identify problems before they occur, target key areas for management attention and possible expenses, provide support for needed improvements in existing management systems, and provide a realistic basis for setting future performance expectations and holding line managers accountable. 1994. 40 pages. Item No. REP-105

Total Quality Environmental Management (TQEM): The Primer
Written for corporate environmental managers. Takes the reader through basic definitions of TQEM, how to implement a TQEM program and measurements, and how to use them. Contains a glossy for quick reference. 1993. 25 pages. Item No. TQE-101

Environmental Self-Assessment Program (ESAP)
This tool uses the 16 Environmental Management Principles of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) as a basis, or benchmark, against which to measure performance. Provides helpful ideas for assessing and developing management programs and improving environmental performance. By using the ESAP, business can pinpoint ways to increase the quality of environmental policy, planning and implementation and monitoring. Allows organizations to prioritize environmental improvement opportunities. 1992. 114 pages. Item No. SAP-102