GEMI ISO 14001:2015 Self-Assessment Checklist
This Excel checklist has been developed to improve facility managers’ understanding of the requirements and elements of the environmental management system outlined in the ISO 14001:2015 international standard. It is designed to allow for a rapid self-assessment of an organization or facility to determine how closely existing management practices and procedures correspond to the elements of the standard.
Excel (.xls), .5MB
This checklist has been developed to improve facility managers’ understanding of the requirements and elements of the environmental management system outlined in the ISO 14001:2015 international standard. It is designed to allow for a rapid self-assessment of an organization or facility to determine how closely existing management practices and procedures correspond to the elements of the standard.
The criteria of the standard have been rephrased in the format of a simple questionnaire, with a three-part scoring system. In this format, even with limited background knowledge of the ISO 14001:2015 standard, a facility or other business manager can quickly review existing operations to determine how they measure up to the standard. This in turn can serve as the starting point of a “gap analysis” to identify management tools or system elements that might usefully be implemented in the organization to help improve overall environmental performance.
GEMI first published an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Self-Assessment Checklist in March of 1996 to help businesses understand the requirements of the then new standard. The 2015 revisions to the ISO 14001 Standard are fairly substantive when compared to the 2004 update, including a complete restructuring of the standard in accordance with Annex SL, a format that all management system standards will be based upon. Accordingly, this self-assessment checklist was completely revised.
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